Monday 1 November 2010

Rationale 3 FINAL

I've been thinking about this ALLLL wrong, well kind of ...its not about re-creating the totally same experience, why would you want to do that!?! thats what gigs are all about to experience something there that you can't at home. It's not about laser beams flying around people's rooms at home while people sing along in strange costumes i want it to be a much more personal connection. Items that are more organic and i guess 'spiritual' in a way, items that will suit there're type of music but obviously have strong connections with they're identity and will allow a stronger engagement with the music... items that are there to add to the beauty of the sound not draw the attention away from the music.

Good is ...engaging with music at home.

1. Music Visuals
2. Elements of the performance, all senses.
3. The individual personal experience
4. Sharing an experience
5. The science behind creating a mood/ emotion

I intend to promote the idea of engaging with music at home through the use of a limited edition pack sent out from the band to the fans so they can be part of the experience.

This will be sent out to the fans using information of those signed up to the Fever Ray online mailing list.

As Fever Ray nears an end i will create a one off, limited edition pack that will be sent out to her fans to say thanks for supporting her throughout her solo project and will enable them to keep engaging with the music, it is a very personal promotional product to send. 

In order to achieve this i will produce a pack that is sent out to her fans on the mailing list, the pack will include 3-5 items that connect to the visual elements of Fever Ray looking mainly at the live show and her artwork. As well as a booklet including photography and a personal message from Fever Ray.

The main design elements of this are the limited edition pack (packaging), the items inside (creating a theme that runs through all of them)

This will be produced using high quality processes such as die cutting, silver blocking and rich stocks as it will be a high budget one off piece and will be kept as a limited edition/ special item/ collectors item. Because i will be printing onto thicker stocks, possibly fabrics or items i will be using screen printing as my process of printing.

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