Tuesday 15 December 2009

Collection 100 -Research Proposal

My subject matter is: 
Possible categories will include:
Watches -jewellery, style (wear time)
Cogs- mechanisms, machinery
Ways of recording time- sun dials, counting, stop watch, time sands, calender
Numbers- found fonts
Seasons- Day/ Night
The appearence/ look/ smell/ sound/ taste of time
The beginning of time- space
The sun
History- representations of change in time. Icons of history
Primary research processes will include:
Photographs/ Drawings where applicable, 100 objects, questionnaires of opinions  and usage of time, my own observations of time.
Secondary research processes will include:
Collection of relevant categorised information from internet & books.
Who/ Where will i research Primary sources: 
Targetting a range of age and culture groups
My own opinions on the physicalities of time... compare with others.
Draw/ Photograph different appearences of time.. age, day/night, clocks (clock room- s.milford), peoples watches, statements of time such as styles of clothes, buildings, representations.
Who/ Where will i research Secondary sources:
Books, Newspapers, Internet, Phones.. anything digital

Monday 14 December 2009

OUGD102- What If? Self Evaluation

What problem did you identify?
Our problem was that Leeds College of Art students were not receiving information on relevant Art &; Design events in Leeds therefore were unaware of what was going on. We found this to be a problem as students should be making full use of these events to help them with their studies, especially in the research week.

What evidence did you find to support your decisions?
We compiled a questionnaire and handed it out to students in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year at the college to see whether they were aware of events going on in Leeds and whether they had heard of the local galleries and buildings where exhibitions took place.

2nd and 3rd years knew many of the places and had attended some of the events, where as first years knowledge of these places were poor.

What methods did you use to gather evidence and what forms did it take?
Primary - Our primary research took place in the form of two questionnaires...
Secondary - We found lots of information of events and exhibitions at the tourist information center's and on the 'Leeds Live it Love it' website.
Quantitative: The statistics from the questionnaires of people who knew about events going on in Leeds.Information collected from the Tourist Information and The Leeds city council website.
Qualitative: Questionnaires asking their opinion  on whether they would attend such events and which ones would most suit them depending on their interests.

What methods of research did you find useful and why?
The primary research i found to be the most useful as it showed us why it was a problem and allowed us to resolve this problem in the most useful way.

How did they inform your response to your problem?

The 2 questionnaires outlined that this was a problem and helped us to address how to solve the problem.
Although all the information students needed was already there to access the problem was that students weren't looking for it and if they did there was too much irrelevant information to sort through. It showed that we needed to keep the information clear and simple, easily accessible and the information needed to be passed straight to the student. The questionnaires proved that the most useful way of receiving information for students was via department notice boards at college, their student email and also Facebook.

What methods did you encounter as problematic?
Questionnaires.. as they can be very personal and you are relying in the person answering the questions honestly.

How did you overcome this?
Keep the questionnaires anonymous and word the questions in sense that you are not suggestive or affecting the answers.

What research could you have carried out that would have proved more useful?
We could have collected further Primary Research by contacting the events on asking for statistics of visitors of what age groups etc. 

5 things i have learnt about the Design Process:
New ways of recording research
To research more before resolving a problem
Research can come from anything, anyone, anywhere.. it does not have to be a list of statistics it can be visual.
I tend to take charge of a group without even realising.
Research is time consuming!

5 things i would do different next time:
Explore more possibilities for the resolution.
Make sure that the solution we chose was the most appropriate for the problem i.e. was a printed flyer needed?
Take on a more equal role in the group
Be more confident to approach people for research information
Try to target different age ranges

Sunday 22 November 2009

OUGD101 No News Is Good News- Message & Delivery

Feedback comments from students on Envelope Ideas

'I think the pop format is a good idea but hard to do, theater set is a wicked idea'
'Everything seems to be heading in the right direction. i think the more successful idea would be the curtain fold out, would like to see development of this idea as i think it has most potential'
'think about sturdiness of stock if it is to fold out, test all ideas. will look amazing when finished awesome idea'
'I really like the curtain opening idea the best, the pop up will be too confusing and you won't have enough time to finish all 10. Think about using rich colours like Gold/Cream/Crimson like an original theater set'
'Like how it 'makes itself' adds to the message, simplify to make it more time friendly'

after the last feedback i got i am so pleased they think the idea is great and will work well, i am pushing myself harder on this brief researching and testing more to generate the best piece of work. From the feedback i was given i persuede a few ideas including the pop up which proved to be way too difficult for me.. i decided to stick with the folding curtain idea.

OUGD101 No News Is Good News Research

I found some of the feedback given to be very negative and quite harsh criticisms.. i agree with parts of it but i think i would have got a better feedback if i showed this poster to its desired audience. Without knowing who Gilliam was you wouldn't understand the theme i chose for my work. I will try to simplify the posters so it can communicate to a larger audience, also look at muting the colours.

Progress Tutorial 1

At this stage in the course i am really pleased with the work i am producing and i am looking forward to seeing how much my work improves throughout the year. I feel really positive and hope to improve on my skills so far including colour theory and Adobe Illustrator as these are things i need to work on the most. I hope to make my blog abit more personal and direct my design context into areas i am most interested in.

OUGD101 Alphabet Soup- Part Two

From the feedback i have recieved i will try and improve my work by changing the colour of the lettering to make it bolder, also to see whether i can adapt the I to make it clearer. The silver colour is difficult to see from a distance especially under studio lighting.. although i do like how the colours are in context with the theme and how i have dared to explore colour even though it was out of my comfort zone. I think the typeface i have created from a manipulation of IMPACT works really well, its weird to think i've made my own typeface! I found it difficult to come up with an idea to communicate Kim but i do think this one reflects her well, i found that i stuck with one idea straight away instead of exploring other possibilites. This is something that i need to work on in other projects to push my work forward.

Monday 12 October 2009

OUGD101 Alphabet Soup -Deconstruct

I am really pleased with outcome of the type, i think it conveys the word well and i think it could be used as a real font.

Sunday 27 September 2009

OUGD101 How To... Self Evaluation

Brief: OUGD101 How to...

10 things i want to achieve by next year.

1. Improve skills on Photoshop and Illustrator
2. Experiment with Print methods
3. Keep upto date with Design Practice now
4. Attend workshops to gain extra knowledge and skills
5. Work with a range of media out of my comfort zone
6. To have had at least one work placement by year 2
7. Visit galleries and exhibitions to see a range of artists and designers
8. Improve my drawing skills
9. Make my work more professional
10. Enter live brief competitions