Friday 30 April 2010

OUGD103 SFE- ideas/ research crit

In this crit i had two students looking at the work i had done so far which is mainly research, concept and starting on ideas generation. this is the feedback i recieved:

Has the problem been clearly identified?
yes it is a problem lots of students rely solely on the internet
yes especially if your not from the local area it will encourage you to get out and explore

Is the audience being taken into consideration?
yes it will definately be engaging for design students especially in year 1 as it will get them exploring the new environment
i think the cup idea works really well and would be used by the students therefore is more appropriate for the target audience, although the concept fits the audience perfectly

What further research is required and would it be beneficial?
research products and what students use more to create a suitable product range
research into book engineering ..could this idea be applied to facebook, blog, myspace or a website? would that be more appropriate?

What methods are being used to document the research/ development?
lots of photographs and questionnaire for primary research
notebooks/ sketchbooks
illustrations and photo's explain and identify the problem

Thursday 29 April 2010

Communication is a virus, final design and feedback!

Here are the final designs for the project, it is a mailshot of present ideas presented in the form of letter/ parcel. it also includes business cards and a website.

- a crisp finish and good use of colour. however the handwritten type is a little confusing to read, slightly illegible
- colour choice is well concieved, layout and content is very appropriate, i think the printed mailshot and business cards work especiall well
-really like the idea, it is visually engaging however the typeface could do with being clearer
-great colours and friendly feel
-i really like the colour choice and idea i think it would work as a real product
-colours are suitable and effective, nice piece of design work and isn't trying over the top to force the message across
-really like the idea and how it has developed from the last crit, colours work really well
-really nice style and handwritten font works well
-cool colours and illustrations
-love the illustrations, really sweet and appropriate for the idea, font matches idea too
-really nice colours
-i think this works really well the illustrations and type make the piece, initially i was unsure of the colours but i like them now
-lovely colour choise, good way to make something that is more female orientated more neutral. nice choice of typeface goes well with handmade element
-colours work really well and its a nice idea, very warm and it makes me want to give! illustrations work really well, handmade personal quality
-different idea, looks really professional, love it!
-love the style
-lovely illustrations its an idea i'd actually use!

My opinions:
i'm really pleased with the feedback from this project, the students really like the style and think it is appropriate for the idea which is excellent. the fact that people have said 'its making them want to give more' just shows that it is working already! i will make the font more legible but still handwritten style as the students think this works well and is inkeeping with the style, very personal and handmade.
i'm really happy with the illustrations from lizz she's done an excellent job and i wouldn't have been able to do them to the same standard but i do feel very let down by my group. not attending to organised working sessions and general contribution to crits and the work in general. because of this i found it really hard and didn't enjoy this project at all. i was left to make some vital design decisions on my own and know we could have produced better ideas as a group instead of struggling with the work on my own.

main issues- legibility of type

Tuesday 20 April 2010

OUGD103 SFE- Problem Analysis rationale

How and where to find your inspiration

First yr graphic design students at LCAD

Open their eyes and take note of everything around them, keep a camera/ notebook with them at all times to capture pieces of inspiration. make them aware that inspiration isn't only found on the internet or in books it is all around them in everyday life.

it is important for design context part of the course which has helped me with my ideas.
it will broaden their ideas and they will become aware of more things and how they can be useful sources of inspiration

A book of images i have collated that have inspired me. people, places, books, films, buildings, objects, materials, patterns etc

an extensive collection of images of inspirational pieces. my inspiration. where others find inspiration.

Monday 19 April 2010

OUGD103 Speaking from experience -brief/ concept/ rationale

Idea generation -Concepts

Time Management

-Fred time! how an extra 3mins could save your day - print based
-Wake up. Top tips to start the day right- Print based
-Saving time. Train yourself to do things faster -Record book -Races
-Work Reward scheme- Every hour of work equals an hour of play -Timetables, Stickers, Reward vouchers
-A watch that has timetable on the face, interchangable faces for each day to stay upto date
Research- Time management skills, tasks

Living at uni

-Make your flat more homely. a kit to decorate your flat
-Empty cupboards. cooking using the bare essentials. a book of rubbish dinners i've made
-A map of my favourite destinations in leeds
-Art & Design in Leeds. shops/ galleries/ events/ companies/ info pack
-Places i wish i'd never been. map and stories
Research- my own and others encounters, crafts, recipes, whats on in leeds, maps.


-Find a new designer every day -web based -promoting website thats great for research and inspiration -print based
-Keeping upto date with design now -web based info
-Look around you- book showing where i have found inspiration other than books and web
-Designers i have looked at this yr based on DC blog, where i found them, info pack
Research- How people research, keeping upto date, journals and blogs, events and galleries

Money Issues

-DIY (food/clothes etc) booklet of stuff to make yourself instead of spending money
-Warning, freshers week will destroy your bank balance. don't blow all your money in!
-Spend wisely. Booklet of where to go, what to buy, freebies, vouchers and promotions.
-Budget. weekly cost calculator
-Money Bank- wish list. make a piggy bank
Research- average loans/ grants/ busaries. Money savers. Crafts/Recipes

The Course facilities and workshops

-Examples of all available workshops 
-Navigate around uni- map highlighting graphic resources
-Share skills. encourage others to attend workshops by displaying your own work on a group blog and sharing your skills on how you did it
-info timetables maps
-Library. showcase whats availiable, shop/ dvds/ books/ magazines/ computers/ audio/ slides
Research- Range of facilities and processes available, maps, info on times and prices

Saturday 17 April 2010

selecting creative partners

My creative partners with lizz and ellie
Brief Title: Get people to give more!

Why have you chosen to work with your creative partner what are your aims?
she is very creative and has an amazing imagination, also has great illustration skills!

What are your specific areas of interest for this brief?
Looking at variations of communication, how to deliver to the product and spread the message.
Experiment with colour, stock, image and type. Crafting skills

What specific design and non design skills do you have to offer?
i have gained knowledge of programmes such as Photoshop and Illustrator which will prove useful for this project also i have good leadership skills and will hopefully be able to direct and keep upto date with the project to make sure it runs smoothly

Specific Roles:
All of us will collect research then lizz will produce the illustrations needed, ellie will focus on the website and i will develop design ideas, branding and transferring the designs to the computer.

Individual Roles:
we all need to make sure we put in equal contributions to the project and keep up with researching and time management

Joint Roles:
Research! expenses for the project. dedication and contribution