Sunday 24 October 2010

Project Rationale 1 -What is Good?

Good is ...the experience of Fever Ray live show

1. Music Visuals
2. Elements of the performance, all senses.
3. The individual personal experience
4. Sharing an experience
5. The science behind creating a mood/ emotion

I intend to promote the live tour and the idea of reliving the experience to her fans, also it can be shared so it reaches people that don't know about her music.

In order to achieve this i will produce a pack that can be purchased that is full of items relating to the show so you can experience her music properly at home. It should generate the same emotions and make you more engaged and part of the experience than just listening to a CD.

This will be produced using high quality processes such as die cutting, silver blocking and rich stocks as it will be a high budget one off piece.

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